A Bad Week for the Bidens: Impeachment Inquiry for Joe, New Charges for Hunter – The Truth Central – Dec 8, 2023

A Bad Week for the Bidens: Impeachment Inquiry for Joe, New Charges for Hunter – The Truth Central – Dec 8, 2023
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The Bidens are having another rough week all around. From spouting empty demands of Israel to the House Republicans’ formalizing the Impeachment Inquiry while revealing more evidence of alleged malfeasance. The inquiry alleges “The Biden family and associates received more than $24 million from foreign nationals. Joe Biden received $200,000 from his brother, James Biden, the same day James received a $200,000 loan from a failing rural hospital operator. Joe Biden also received $40,000 in laundered Chinese money from his brother and sister-in-law. It’s become clear that the Biden family sold influence around the world using Joe Biden’s name as the product. An investigation in any jurisdiction around the country would move forward if it had these facts. A vote on an impeachment inquiry puts the House in the best position to prevail in court and uncover the truth.”
If that wasn’t all, Hunter Biden now faces nine new federal charges to add to his own list. Dr. Jerome Corsi breaks it all down and what happens next on The Truth Central
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