The U.S. Banking Industry is Sinking – The Secret War on Cash

The U.S. Banking Industry is Sinking – The Secret War on Cash
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We have covered the failures of the U.S. and world banking industry quite a bit on The Secret War on Cash. As we watch what’s happening, we can see the confidence in our banking system falling further into the proverbial abyss for good reason. The Better Business Bureau says their current top complaints are regarding banks and their customers’ inability to access their own money — all while branches continue to close as to cut costs. Unless the financial sector can reverse this trend, banks will continue to decline and depositors will continue to suffer.
What happened to the fiduciary responsibility of financial institutions? More importantly, how safe is your money as troubles pile up and branches continue to shut down?
Swiss America CEO Dean Heskin and Chris Agelastos will break down what’s really going on as well as why and how this is another part the Secret War on Cash.

Thank you for listening.

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Articles referred to in this program:
The Entire Banking System Is Shaking (
A Massive Bank Now Closes Customer Account With Life Savings –

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