Greta Thunberg Now Protesting… Wind Farms in Norway [Gateway Pundit]

Greta Thunberg Now Protesting… Wind Farms in Norway [Gateway Pundit]
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World famous climate brat Greta Thunberg is now in Norway protesting wind farms. Wind farms!

Isn’t she supposed to support alternative and green forms of energy like this? Isn’t this what she has been demanding for years now?

One almost gets the sense that she is more interested in protesting than the issue of climate change which she claims to care so much about.

CBS News reports:

Dozens of activists, including Greta Thunberg of neighboring Sweden, blocked the entrance to Norway’s energy ministry in Oslo Monday to protest a wind farm they say hinders the rights of the Sami Indigenous people to raise reindeer in Arctic Norway. The activists, mainly teenagers, lay outside the ministry entrance holding Sami flags and a poster reading “Land Back.”

The protesters from organizations called Young Friends of The Earth Norway and the Norwegian Sami Association’s youth council NSR-Nuorat, said “the ongoing human rights violations” against Sami reindeer herders “must come to an end.” Several of the activists donned the Sami’s traditional bright-colored dress and put up a tent used by the Arctic people.

In October 2021, Norway’s Supreme Court ruled that the construction of the wind turbines violated the rights of the Sami, who have been using the land to raise reindeer for centuries. However, the wind farm is still operating.

“It is absurd that the Norwegian government has chosen to ignore the ruling,” said Thunberg, who joined the protest early Monday.

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