Did Deutsche Bank Just Destroy Letitia James’ Case Against Donald Trump? – Nov. 29, 2023

Did Deutsche Bank Just Destroy Letitia James’ Case Against Donald Trump? – Nov. 29, 2023
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New York Attorney General Letitia James, despite her claims to the contrary, is looking worse each day amid her political persecution against former President Donald Trump. Now, it would seem information out of Deutsche Bank has completely demolished James’ claims Trump overvalued his properties. According to Bloomberg, DB Executive David Williams, who directly worked on at least one of several loans obtained by Trump over several decades, testified on Tuesday in Manhattan that it’s “atypical, but not entirely unusual” for a bank to internally slash a client’s stated asset values by 50% and approve a loan anyway, as they did with Trump, This would deflate James’ attempts to paint the German lending institution as a victim of fraud.
Still, will this exonerate President Trump or will the Kangaroo Court Anti-Trump Judge in the case completely ignore the facts to achieve a desired outcome? Dr. Jerome Corsi breaks down the situation on The Truth Centra
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