Israel Tries to Root Out Hamas Amid More Calls for Cease-Fire; Time to Pull the Plug on Forced EVs – The Truth Central, Nov 10, 2023

Israel Tries to Root Out Hamas Amid More Calls for Cease-Fire; Time to Pull the Plug on Forced EVs – The Truth Central, Nov 10, 2023
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On today’s The Truth Central, Dr. Jerome Corsi examines:
Israel is working to root out Hamas as calls for a ceasefire rise
The continued fall of the US economy Why it’s time to end the forcing of Electric Vehicles on us
The impending death of the Eurozone
Germany, UK continue subsidies for failing wind farms

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192 Responses to "Israel Tries to Root Out Hamas Amid More Calls for Cease-Fire; Time to Pull the Plug on Forced EVs – The Truth Central, Nov 10, 2023"

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