Mass Job Loss Coming in 2024? 38% of Companies Surveyed Say They Expect Layoffs – The Secret War on Cash

Mass Job Loss Coming in 2024? 38% of Companies Surveyed Say They Expect Layoffs – The Secret War on Cash
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The economy may be in for a rough ride all around in 2024 as worries over the U.S. employment lanscape loom. A recent Resume Builder survey reveals 38% of companies expect to lay people off. Also, more than half of those same companies anticipate having to cut holiday bonuses or employee perks this year. What will make things even worse is the continued advancement of artificial intelligence rapidly replacing people in several fields.
Swiss America CEO Dean Heskin and Chris Agelastos explore the coming employment situation, look into what lies ahead and discuss ways to protect yourself on The Secret War on Cash.

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Articles referred to in this podcast:
Shock Number: 38 Percent Of U.S. Companies Anticipate That They Will Conduct Layoffs In 2024 (
What Is Going To Happen To Our Society As AI And Robots Take Most Of Our Jobs? (

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