Net Zero Watch says Government “hopelessly divided” over climate issues

Net Zero Watch says Government “hopelessly divided” over climate issues
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Onshore wind policy is “lose, lose, lose” for Rishi Sunak

Net Zero Watch says that the Government is incapable of a coherent climate policy. Ministers have announced on the one hand that Rishi Sunak will stand up to climate advisers over airport expansion, and on the other hand that he will cave in to their demands and relax the rules over new onshore windfarms. Speaking to Julia Hartley-Brewer on TalkTV, Net Zero Watch Head of Policy Harry Wilkinson said:

You have quite a large number of Tory MPs who have been asking [for more onshore wind] for some time, because they don’t understand the fundamental energy issues at play. There is just a difference of opinion in the Conservative Party on this topic which Rishi Sunak has been trying to balance…What we need is leadership from the Prime Minister.”

And the campaigning group warned that the Conservatives would pay a heavy electoral price if the onshore windfleet expands in the way climate campaigners want, with many rural voters strongly opposed to turbines and the pylons required to bring their power to market, and the public at large facing increased energy bills at a time when they are already hard pressed.

Net Zero Watch director Andrew Montford said:

Every time a new windfarm comes on stream, we have to fork out subsidies, wholesale prices are pushed up, our bill for switching off windfarms increases, and we need to buy more grid balancing services. It’s a lose, lose, lose, lose situation for the consumer, so it’s hardly going to be a win for the Government.

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