Putin Holds Nuclear Drill, Testing Bombs; RKF Jr. Going Independent – October 3, 2023

Putin Holds Nuclear Drill, Testing Bombs; RKF Jr. Going Independent – October 3, 2023
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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. will no longer challenge Joe Biden and other potential candidates for the Democrat Party presidential nomination. Instead, he will run as an independent. This means quite a bit to both sides: a recent Rasmussen poll revealed a large number of Dem voters would shift to Kennedy if Biden is their party’s nominee as compared to a smaller number of Trump voters. This would likely mean a Donald Trump victory in a Biden vs. Trump scenario. Still, who is to say that will happen? The Dem faithful would be much more hesitant to leave their establishment’s candidate if it were someone else — perhaps like Gavin Newsom or Michelle Obama — while some Republicans would still go toward Kennedy if Trump is the nominee. One case is quite likely though: much like the 1992 presidential election, we would see a small plurality hand the presidency to one of the major party’s candidates. Dr. Jerome Corsi breaks it down and examines the scenarios on today’s The Truth Central.
Also, worries about a potential nuclear confrontation over the Ukraine War rise again as Vladimir Putin is holding a nationwide nuclear drill and setting up to test bombs in the Arctic Circle.
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