The Dirty Secret About How Masks Really “Work” and Marching Orders to Media Are in Over Biden Impeachment Plan – The Truth Central, Sept 14, 2023

The Dirty Secret About How Masks Really “Work” and Marching Orders to Media Are in Over Biden Impeachment Plan – The Truth Central, Sept 14, 2023
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“Mask Up’ was the battle cry of world puppet masters through the COVID pandemic. Mask shaming was in fashion on social media, but the truth is, the ineffective masks were never about keeping people safe and it goes deeper than you think. Dr. Jerome Corsi delves into the dirty secret of how masks “work” on today’s The Truth Central
Dr. Corsi also breaks down
The Dems’ Marching Orders to the media over Biden’s Impending Impeachment have been issued
The coming Eco-Terrorism
Russia’s Navy port at Sevastopol attacked by Ukraine

Get your FREE copy of Dr. Corsi’s new book with Swiss America CEO Dean Heskin, How the Coming Global Crash Will Create a Historic Gold Rush by calling: 800-519-6268

/Follow Dr. Jerome Corsi on Twitter: @corsijerome1
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126 Responses to "The Dirty Secret About How Masks Really “Work” and Marching Orders to Media Are in Over Biden Impeachment Plan – The Truth Central, Sept 14, 2023"

  1. Rastreador de celular – Aplicativo de rastreamento oculto que registra localização, SMS, áudio de chamadas, WhatsApp, Facebook, foto, câmera, atividade de internet. Melhor para controle dos pais e monitoramento de funcionários. Rastrear Telefone Celular Grátis – Programa de Monitoramento Online.

  2. Dr Corsi
    I’m so glad you are still writing, speaking, and publishing. I lost contact with you for some time. I’m so glad to be able to access your knowledge and wisdom again.


    Moira Eastman PhD


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