The Federal Reserve Has Rigged the Stock Markets to Crash

The Federal Reserve Has Rigged the Stock Markets to Crash
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The conditions have now aligned for a repeat of the major stock market crashes that have occurred since the founding of the US Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) in 1913. Considering their vast experience and resources, the Fed has to know that their plan to control inflation by raising interest rates rapidly and significantly since 2022, and also tightening credit this year, will likely result in another major crash. Although the Fed has issued vague warnings about the impending pain on the stock market and economy, they have not explained how and why they will again wipe out trillions of dollars of wealth of unsuspecting investors.

As Marty Zweig, a successful Wall Street investment adviser known for data studies, warned, “Don’t fight the Fed,” because the central bank largely controls the direction of the stock markets. Generally, the major stock market booms start with the Fed stimulating slow economic growth by lowering interest rates, often while the government increases deficit spending. As Austrian business cycle theory predicts, this results in asset price inflation (e.g., stocks, houses, etc.), and sometimes also consumer price inflation. The major busts result when the Fed seeks to control the inflation by raising interest rates significantly, while the government reduces deficit spending.

The following graphs demonstrate the strong inverse relationship between the Dow stock market index and interest rates largely set by the Fed (i.e., stocks values inflate when interest rates are lower and deflate when higher). The top graph from Macrotrends shows the Dow Jones stock market index on a logarithmic scale and adjusted for today’s dollars over time. The bottom graph from the Fed shows interest rates over the same time. These graphs can be used to locate the major stock market cycles and analyze the effects of interest rates along with deficit spending in causing booms and busts.

The Dow Jones stock market can be considered to be in its sixth major boom and bust cycle. The first cycle had a 1913–15 boom and 1915–20 bust. The second cycle had a 1920–29 boom and 1929–32 bust. Then, there was a 1932–50 period that was effectively absent of major booms that could go bust. The third cycle had a 1950–65 boom and 1965–82 bust. The fourth cycle had a 1982–2000 boom and 2000–2002 bust. The fifth cycle had a 2002–7 boom and 2007–9 bust. The sixth cycle had a 2009–22 boom and a bust starting in 2022. The five major stock market crashes can be considered to have started in 1915, 1929, 1965, 2000, and 2007, with another likely in 2022.

1915—As the Fed started cutting interest rates in 1913, the Dow stock market climbed and peaked in 1915. That year, the Fed started raising rates and the stock market dropped in 1916. During 1917 and 1918, deficit spending for World War I, while interest rates were flat, caused rampant inflation and a spike in stock prices. After the war, the Fed rapidly raised interest rates in 1920 to cause a stock market crash and the depression of 1920–21.

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