The Truth about Neo-Marxism, Cultural Maoism, and Anarchy: Exposing Woke Insanity in an Age of Disinformation

The Truth about Neo-Marxism, Cultural Maoism, and Anarchy: Exposing Woke Insanity in an Age of Disinformation
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This book exposes the dark, evil ideology that has descended over America. The arch of the Hegelian dialectic culminates only in negation, with millions annihilated in the nightmare apocalypse of post-modernist Democratic Socialism. The Truth about Neo-Marxism, Cultural Maoism, and Anarchy: Exposing Woke Insanity in an Age of Disinformation reveals how Communist ideology has evolved into its present-day woke madness that began with Immanuel Kant and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, continued through Antonio Gramsci and the Frankfurt School, and concluded with post-modern thinkers like Jean Baudrillard.

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