Walter Duranty: Stalin’s PR Agent for the New York Times – The Truth Central, Nov 16, 2023

Walter Duranty: Stalin’s PR Agent for the New York Times – The Truth Central, Nov 16, 2023
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Today on The Truth Central, Dr. Jerome Corsi takes a deep dive into New York Times’ Reporter Walter Duranty, who was given a Pulitzer Prize for his fictional accounts of Josef Stalin’s rule over the Soviet Union, serving as the communist dictator’s public relations agent and promoter. Duranty’s glowing stories about Stalin and the communist oppression included lies about life under the dictatorship, propping the murderous tyrant up into celebrity status (at least for those who believed the stories) and willfully hiding Holodomor – the starvation of Ukrainians – from the world. Still, there was an even darker side to Duranty and his alliance with evil: the disgraced reporter’s life was one of debauchery, sinister behavior, quid-pro-quo deals with Soviet leaders and a close bond with Satanist Aleister Crowley.

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