Washington Post Reverses Position: Editorial Asks for More Police in D.C. Schools

Washington Post Reverses Position: Editorial Asks for More Police in D.C. Schools
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Many cities yanked officers out of schools while reassessing policing after George Floyd’s 2020 murder. However well-intentioned, the experiment has left kids more vulnerable and classrooms less safe amid surging youth violence. That’s why a notable number have already reversed course — including, in this region, Alexandria and Montgomery County. Other jurisdictions, from Boston to Phoenix, are actively debating whether to follow.

D.C. should join them. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser (D) has proposed fully funding the school resource officer program in her last three budgets, including the one currently under consideration. But the D.C. Council rejected her requests in 2021 and 2022. Council members should listen to the pleas of parents, principals and police.

Granted, D.C. was less rash than other places. The council voted to gradually remove officers from schools through 2025, down from 100 to 60 last year and 40 now. The current plan is to go to 20 next school year and zero the year after.

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