Why Worldwide Inflation Is Not Going Away; The Global Food Shortage Gets Worse: The Truth Central Podcast

Why Worldwide Inflation Is Not Going Away; The Global Food Shortage Gets Worse: The Truth Central Podcast
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Kicking off his re-election campaign, President Joe Biden boasted his policies bringing inflation down from 2022 — a time where it was at a record high. The logic, however, would only work if one would forget early 2021 existed as the Biden administration’s expensive economic policies were created and enacted. At this point, so much damage has been done, worldwide inflation is not going away. Dr. Jerome Corsi breaks it down and takes a deep dive into the situation on today’s The Truth Central.
Also, as the Ukraine War elevates, its wheat production continues to take huge hits — ones from which it could take 20 years to recover, damaging the world’s overall food supply.
Dr. Corsi also discusses:
The WEF’s idea to cut cars down by 75 percent worldwide
San Francisco’s downward spiral continues as AT & T plans to move its headquarters out
NASA admits to the true source of climate change on Earth. Not surprisingly, it’s not close to the established narrative
The UN wants to push a “global digital compact” to arbitrarily silence speech.

Get Dr. Corsi’s new book with Swiss America CEO Dean Heskin, How the Coming Global Crash Will Create a Historic Gold Rush: https://www.thetruthcentral.com/how-the-coming-global-crash-will-create-a-historic-gold-rush/

Follow Dr. Jerome Corsi on Twitter: @corsijerome1
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